Champion of Chiropractic
So often in my office as I am meeting a new patient I hear, "Hi Doc, I would have come sooner but my back pain is hereditary." or "I have come for my knee pain and my back hurts but I have had my back pain forever just like my parents so I understand there ...
Ads, Glorious Ads! How would we know what we want with out being told, sung to, danced, designed, and trailered. But, on the flip side how far has society gone on adding warning labels to everything? Now its chairs due to poor health conditions that can be attributed to habitual sitters (just like smokers). What's ...
"Give a Review", "Review Us", these are just a few simple phrases that have become very common in our every day lives. Unfortunately, we now seem to prioritize virtually leaving a review rather than prioritize our health and share the wonderful successes. Our successes help others find solutions to their health challenges which should ...