Re-Boot Your Children For Better Health | Chiropractor Pottstown PA | McCormick Chiropractic
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Re-Boot Your Children For Better Health
by the Doctors of McCormick Chiropractic

Read Re-Boot Your Children For Better Health by the Doctors of McCormick Chiropractic to learn more about McCormick Chiropractic and our Chiropractic office in Pottstown, PA.

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Virtual lives, virtual games and almost everything else that can be touched screened is the world that we live in these days. Unfortunately, our children even as young as four years old can navigate smart phones or tablets better than most adults and the improper posture they hold these devices in are not virtual and do not only have cyber effects.

These repetitive incorrect positions of yesterday have become the cause of our dis-ease and dysfunction in our health today. Imagine what will be the state of health of our young generations tomorrow if we do not do a hard health re-boot and teach them to take care of a critical operating system – their spine.

The Download of Navigational Instructions

If you think about the mechanics of your neck, you’ll realize it’s not surprising how easy it can be injured.  It has incredible flexibility, is constantly on the move, has very little muscular support, and has to support the 14 – 16 pounds of your head.  It is like balancing a bowling ball on a stick using only elastic bands.

Now factor in that your spinal cord runs down a space in the center of the vertebrae, which protects it from harm.  Long large bundles of nerves run out from between each pair of vertebrae. From these nerve bundles, nerve impulses get sent to every part of the body. The operating system failure occurs if there is any interference or pinching in these nerves. When the signal is weak it does not allow for the body to operate optimally.

The Spinal Frozen Screen

Neck problems can lead to headaches, muscle spasms in the shoulders and upper back, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), inflammation in the middle ear (otitis media), temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), or simply a restricted range of motion and severe tightness in the neck and upper back.  Issues from the neck can show up in the upper back because many neck muscles originate there, including the trapezius, the levator scapulae, the cervical paraspinal muscles and the scalenes.  Pain in your arm, such as numbness, tingling, cold, aching, or “pins and needles,” may also be referred from the neck. People with neck problems often mistake the painful condition in their hands (carpal tunnel syndrome) as a condition that originates and solely affects the hands.

Dial Spinal Health

Today we are able to see that the smartphones and tablets that we use on a daily basis are creating a “text neck” and are having a dramatic impact on our health and how our brains function.

Our brains require movement from our joints, called proprioception, for optimal function. Nerve input into your brain is created when you move around throughout the day. This input is so important to brain health that problems with proprioception have been linked to autism spectrum disorders.

The largest amounts of proprioception in our body comes from the joints in your neck, known as facet joints. When you have a healthy cervical arc in your neck, you help ensure proper proprioception from your spine up into your brain. When you lose the curve in your neck due to falls, accidents, or by sitting with your head down towards your phone or tablet for hours on end each day, your brain pays the price.

Ready To Help in Pottstown, PA

This is the genius behind the chiropractic adjustment. Nothing stimulates proprioception as efficiently as an adjustment. Every adjustment stimulates the nerve endings in your spinal facet joints to help stimulate and fire off proprioception up into your brain.

Chiropractic adjustments help ensure your brain is getting proper proprioception. Chiropractic also contributes to restoring the proper curve or “arc of life” that should be in a healthy neck so that your brain is receiving the proper input throughout your day.

Because Chiropractic is one of the safest and most effective non-surgical and non-medicated healthcare choices, you will always see a significant number of children around our offices of McCormick Chiropractic. Simply, better proprioception means better developing children. Teaching our kids that health is not virtually achieved will be the right step in a better future.

If you would like to learn more about achieving wellness or are tired of suffering from neck, shoulder or back pain, call our McCormick Chiropractic, located in two great locations, Pottstown and Elverson as we may have your solution.  Besides spinal care, our expert team will look at the need for nutritional changes, stress management, stretching and rehabilitation,  and best of all help you and your family experience the difference in 21st-century healthcare.

Contact Us Today!  Ironically, we are just one click away!

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For Your Health,

Dr. Connor McCormick and Dr. Darryl Hajduczek

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