Dawn recently began our weight loss program, and will be blogging her progress here. If you’re interested in finding out more about our program click here, or call us on 610-705-0201.
8/21/14 2:00pm
My name is Dawn and I’m overweight – technically, I’m obese. How I got here – I couldn’t say. Growing up I was always pretty thin. Even when I went to college, I gained the Freshman-15 but lost it by my senior year. In my 20’s and 30’s I remember my gynecologist telling me, “You gained a pound, Dawn. You need to be careful.” I’d quip, “What’s a pound every other year or so?”
When I began to lose control
When I was nearing my 40th birthday, my husband and I decided to have a big party to celebrate. By that time, I had put on about 10 extra pounds. I decided to lose those 10 pounds for my party. I was going back to school for my Master’s, so I had free access to a gym, and I followed the Weight Watcher’s program. I lost the 10 pounds, and looked great for my 40th Birthday Party.
After my party, I went off my diet. I quickly gained the 10 pounds back, then slowly another 10, and another 10, and yet another 10. By my 50th birthday, I was 40-plus pounds over my comfortable weight and wearing a size 16!! It would have been okay if I could have maintained that weight, but I just kept getting bigger and bigger. I hated looking in the mirror. I hated getting my picture taken. I had no energy. Plus, I was 50!!! It was a dark birthday for me, and I didn’t want a party.
Dr. Darryl to the rescue
I met Dr. Darryl a few months before my 51st Birthday – around May 2014. First, I went to his free seminar, then to the individual consultation. I told him up front that I wasn’t sure if I was going to do the program. I couldn’t see spending the money if I wasn’t committed to sticking to the program. He understood. When we met to discuss the weight-loss plan he created for me, I decided it was time to take control. I started his program a few days later – Tuesday, August 12, 2014. A day that will live in infamy – well, no not really, but it sounds good.
The first three weeks are the detox. Dr. D. says that I’m preparing my body for weight-loss. I like this easing into it. I can eat as much as I want, but it has to be unprocessed food. No bread, alcohol, pasta, or – one of my favorites – bacon. But I can have all the fruit and veggies I want, eggs, even beef (except the second week). And, I need to drink the magical elixir (my terms, not Dr. D’s) once, twice, or three times a day.
Week 1
The first week starts out pretty easy. I have a dull ache in my head the first few days, but I’m not hungry. I turn down donuts at a seminar, birthday cake at my niece’s house, and pizza at my sister’s house. I usually have the drink with fruit for breakfast, a big salad with chicken for lunch, and either beef, chicken or fish with veggies for dinner. Then the weekend comes, and I go to the husband’s family reunion. Queue the scary music… dun…dun…dahhhh!
I’m faced with trays of food – two types of BREADED chicken, stuffed shells, meatballs, macaroni salad. I pass all the trays and head for the salad and fruit. While everyone else is enjoying home-made wine and micro-brew beers, I’m sipping water. Then, I make the mistake of going inside where the humungous kitchen island is covered in desserts – cookies, zucchini bread, cake, pudding, some kind of decadent truffle with crushed brownies and whipped cream.
I think to myself, “I’ll just take a look.” Then sweet Aunt Marie says, “Dawn, you have to try something. It’s all so good. A little piece of something won’t hurt you.” Truthfully, it didn’t take much convincing. I sliced a piece of the red velvet cake. I cut it as thin as I could. AND I ATE IT! It was delicious. Then sweet Aunt Rosanne (where did all these aunts suddenly come from?) says, “Dawn, have you tried these sugar cookies? They are to die for. They’re delicious.” And you know what? She’s right, they are delicious. I eat two! I’m proud to say that at that point I walked away from the kitchen island and drank my 100th bottle of water for the day.
But now I’m conflicted. I did so well MOST of the time. What will that one fall from grace do to my weight-loss efforts? Should I feel proud or beat myself up. I meet with Dr. D. on Monday, and what-a-ya-know – I’ve lost 4 pounds. Unfortunately, my fat increased slightly and my muscle decreased slightly. But, overall, my numbers are good. Dr. D. tells me to incorporate some resistance exercises into my routine to increase the muscle and decrease the fat. He shows me how to do different versions of the plank and suggests that I carry weights with me if I go for a walk.
I’m excited and ready for week two. Dr. D. says this is the toughest week because I can’t have any meat, and I should limit my fish. We’ll see; I’m ready.
Magical Elixir
I got one container of chocolate and one container of vanilla. I have a little smoothie maker (cost about $15 at Target), and I find using that makes the shake’s consistency better – not as gritty. My favorite way to make it is with almond milk, half a banana and a few strawberries with the vanilla powder. The chocolate with strawberries and almond milk is also good. They taste a lot like milkshakes this way. Adding fresh mint leaves also tastes good. If I’m forced to drink it with just water, I drink it quickly. It isn’t awful, but it isn’t good either.
Anyone else on Dr. D’s plan – I’d love to hear how you’re drinking your “magical elixir.”
For Your Health,
Dr. Connor McCormick and Dr. Darryl Hajduczek