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McCormick Chiropractic - Pottstown Chiropractor

Performance Enhancing Drugs: Parental Advice

Advice on Steriods

The risks of anabolic steroids are very well documented and has been highly publicized. They can have toxic effects on the liver and cardiovascular system, they can arrest normal growth (despite the appearance of promoting it), they can cause fertility problems, behavioral and psychiatric problems, and produce possibly permanent masculine characteristics in females and breast ...


The Rapper Known as Puff Daddy Thanks Chiropractic After Finishing His First Marathon

prepares for marathon

Two months before the 2003 New York City Marathon, Sean Combs, “Puff Daddy,” decided he was going to complete the 26.2 mile course through Manhattan. After barely making it through a two-mile training session, Combs realized he needed help. He called upon Drew DeMann, DC, MA, CCSP, his “personal sports physician.” DeMann provided Chiropractic care to Combs ...


Overlooked Solutions for Neurological Disorders

neurological disorders relief

CASE STUDY: A nine-year-old male suffered with Tourette Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, depression, asthma, insomnia, and headaches. The asthma and upper respiratory infections were present since infancy; headaches began at age 6, followed by the onset of TS, ADHD, depression and insomnia at age 7, and neck pain for the last year. According to the boy’s ...


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