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McCormick Chiropractic - Pottstown Chiropractor

The Puberty Factor

Pottstown Health

Oh those teenage years of frustration If you have ever wondered why the teenage years are so difficult for parents (and often the teens themselves) you need look no further than their brain. The brain undergoes rapid and profound development during the teen years, much more so than during most of childhood. It is a time ...


Understanding Steroid Injections

exercise Pottstown

Steroids are organic compounds that are produced naturally in the human body.  They’re also produced by other animals, plants and fungi.  Within humans, steroids are used to produce several different hormones that are important to the body’s proper functioning. Outside of natural human physiology, there are also drugs called anabolic steroids, whose purpose is to increase ...


Reaching Your Fitness Goals

Pottstown Fitness

Today most people know that they “should” be doing regular exercise. However, for the vast majority it has been so many years, if ever, since they did regular exercise that they don’t even know where to begin. This tends to result in an inevitable merry-go-round of various training programs and routines. You probably know exactly ...


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