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McCormick Chiropractic - Pottstown Chiropractor
Unwarranted Surgeries Pottstown PA Chiropractor

Unwarranted Surgeries Pottstown PA Chiropractor

Visit to learn more on how McCormick Chiropractic could be your Future Primary Healthcare Solution!

Dr. Darryl Hajduczek in 2 Minutes to Health discusses the four most performed surgeries which according to medical guidelines are over utilized.

To find out more information on Unwarranted Surgeries visit: or call one of our convenient offices.

Come and Experience the Difference! We are located in two great locations.


McCormick Chiropractic‎
92 Kemp Road
Pottstown, PA 19465
(610) 705-0201‎


Mc Cormick Chiropractic
83 W Main St # 4
Elverson, PA 19520
(610) 286-7000

Foot Loose

todays fasion tomorrows pain

Our feet carry us everywhere that we want to go. They come in virtually every size and shape and are thrust into narrow spaces or raised up on four-inch heels to give us height. Victimized by bunions, calluses, plantar warts, and blisters. Subjected to hot sand, hard gravel and stones in the summer and occasionally ...


Forget the Collar

Pottstown neck pain

Your neck, also called the cervical spine, begins at the base of the skull and contains seven small vertebrae. Incredibly, the cervical spine supports the full weight of your head, which is on average about 12 pounds. While the cervical spine can move your head in nearly every direction, this flexibility makes the neck very ...


Avoid Becoming Bionic

Knee Pain Pottstown Hip Pain

Over the last few decades the number of total hip and knee replacement surgeries have been rising at an alarming rate. In the United States for total hip and replacement surgeries have increased more than 50% and 170%, respectively. Europe is also seeing similar rises for these procedures with some the northern European countries reporting ...


Understanding the Importance of Ergonomics

Pottstown workplace ergonomics

Help for Long Haul Drivers Ergonomic principles are used to make a workplace suitable for the employees.  Making beneficial changes improves the safety and productivity, but what about occupations with variable conditions.   According to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, truck drivers top the list of professionals who lose the most time from work due ...


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