by The doctors at McCormick Chiropractic | Oct 24, 2013 | Health Articles
Physiotherapy has been a part of chiropractic care since its early days in the 1880s. Today’s Chiropractic Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (DACRB) Specialist is a chiropractor who has had extensive postgraduate training in physiologic therapeutics and rehabilitation to help treat injuries that may have been caused by auto, the workplace or sports.
A DACRB practitioner uses a ...
by The doctors at McCormick Chiropractic | Oct 22, 2013 | Health Articles
Back in our earliest ancestor's years, they naturally followed a no-carb diet as they hadn't learned how to cultivate grains. They relied solely on protein and fat up until about 10,000 years ago when "modern humans" discovered agriculture. If the diet rich in protein and fat had not worked for our ancestors then they would ...
by The doctors at McCormick Chiropractic | Oct 17, 2013 | Health Articles
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a full-contact sport that combines techniques from a range of different martial arts. The sport can involve techniques from Brazilian jiu-jitsu, wrestling, judo, karate, kickboxing, ,muay thai and taekwondo.
The strikes and holds involved in MMA are pretty tough on the musculoskeletal system and they frequently cause injuries, more often than ...
by The doctors at McCormick Chiropractic | Oct 15, 2013 | Health Articles
Scar tissue is the body's natural reaction to injury, no matter how small or slight. Everyday actions that most people wouldn't regard as an injury create scar tissue. Everyone will develop scar tissue at some point in their life. Repetitive motions lead to micro-trauma and as part of the body's healing system, scar tissue is ...
by The doctors at McCormick Chiropractic | Oct 10, 2013 | Health Articles
Sugar is in nearly everything we eat. In the typical western diet, the amount of sugar that has been added to food products brings our consumption of the sweet stuff up to 22.7 teaspoons per day. In order to extend the shelf life of processed food, sugar is added. While we know that sugar ...
by The doctors at McCormick Chiropractic | Oct 8, 2013 | Health Articles
There are many different types of ligament inflammations however, plantar fasciitis can cause more inconvenience than most. This is due to the fact that the ligament is used every time you take a step, recovery and resting it is extremely difficult. The Plantar Fascia is the ligament that connects the ball of your foot to ...
by The doctors at McCormick Chiropractic | Oct 3, 2013 | Health Articles
It’s very important to know just some of the basic differences between an MD (Medical Doctor) and a DC (Doctor of Chiropractic) in order to understand the unique role that each type of medical professional plays in helping you to maintain or regain your optimum health.
MDs and DCs are both fully licensed healthcare providers. They ...
by The doctors at McCormick Chiropractic | Oct 1, 2013 | Health Articles
The physical demand for water polo is extremely high. Water polo players are expected to spend nearly 1 hour and 15 minutes in a pool whilst covering distances of over 4 kilometers. The level of physical contact is also high, both above and below the water. The player have to shoot and pass the ball ...
by The doctors at McCormick Chiropractic | Sep 26, 2013 | Health Articles
Chronic injuries require rehabilitation programs that cater for the specific needs of the injury and a long-term approach. Patience is required for these rehabilitation programs and it is essential to remember that the problem has developed over a period of years and will not be fixed in a matter of weeks or months. Progress should ...
by The doctors at McCormick Chiropractic | Sep 24, 2013 | Health Articles
"Dowager's Hump" can affect any person who spends a lot of their time hunched over or has a severe case of osteoporosis. The professional term for Dowager’s Hump is hyperkyphosis, which is an increase in the forward curvature of the lower cervical and upper thoracic spine. It is a condition that can either be relatively ...